Week 8: Final Week

Reflective Essay #8

Post by 4:30pm, Friday, July 26.

Thinking back to how you defined DH in week one, and how Musselman Library defines it in our local context, how has your understanding and/or definition of DH changed over the course of the fellowship? How have your communities of practice caused you to think differently about the definitions you have encountered?

Monday, July 22

9-10 am: Meeting with Your Librarian Partner

Tuesday, July 23

Presentation practice and workday

10-11:30 am: DTSF Presentations (Lyceum)

Wednesday, July 24

Noon–1 pm: Lunch and Reading Discussion (Browsing Room)

“Embracing ephemerality in the digital humanities” by Andy Schocket

Lunch will be provided for the DSSFs

Thursday, July 25

10 am–Noon: Project Presentations (Pennsylvania Hall Lyceum, Public Session)

3-3:30 pm: Thinking about gratitude (and writing thank you notes) (Library 018)

Bring a good pen!

Friday, July 26

11 am–Noon: Final Check-In (Library 018, Private)

Noon–1 pm: Celebratory Final Lunch!

4:30 pm: Week 8 Reflective Essays Due

