
Learning goals:

  • Students will explore existing Scalar works in order to get ideas for their own projects
  • Students will be able to describe and distinguish among the six basic elements of Scalar (page, object/media, path, tag, annotation, comment)
  • Students will develop a better understanding of (and appreciation for) how rich media content can be organized in various ways using Scalar 2
  • Students will create a small Scalar project sample that incorporates text, image, audio, and video related to their digital projects

Outline for today’s workshop:

1. What is Scalar? How does it differ from other content management systems like WordPress?

2. How do you put things together in Scalar?  How does a non-hierarchical structure work?

3. The main building blocks — pages and media

4. The main relationships – paths, tags, and annotations

5. Hands on!

Examples to refer to:

1990: Students Take Action to Protest Apartheid

Your Friend and Classmate: Following the West Point Class of June 1861 Through the American Civil War

Hello Coed! A 1950s History of Gettysburg College Women

Spirit Guide Synth

Gamelan Angklung


Scalar 2.0 User’s Guide — a little out of date because we have version 2.5, but still very useful

University of Illinois libguide on Scalar — there are some great examples of Scalar-produced books by students and others here.

