Reflective Post 4

Final Reflections and See-Yous

These past eight weeks seem to have gone in the blink of an eye. This summer, I learned more than I have any other summer, and have evolved both as a person and as a researcher. As I look back on my first post, I realize just how much.

When writing “My DH” (my first reflective post), eight-week younger me didn’t quite know what she was talking about; she had read up a few articles and watched a couple of videos on digital humanities, but all she knew about it was theoretical. She didn’t know what a DH project would entail and didn’t have the slightest idea what doing one would be like. But she was eager and open to learning new things. 

In my first post, I had written that “The digital humanities are so much larger than just digitalized humanities research, and I’m only beginning to realize that”, and this statement could not have been truer. Throughout the course of these eight weeks, I have seen the vast scope of digital humanities, and its potential, not just for advanced presentation of scholarship, but also for change-making. Digital humanities tools are great in number and are versatile in that they can be adapted into so many ways to present data in the way the author hopes. 

For me, DH was an opportunity to learn more and to push myself and my creativity by taking up a challenge that scared me. It was “a diverse space that allows collaboration, constant feedback, and experimentation of a variety of ideas and techniques”, and 8-weeks later these still hold true to me. Working closely with the whole committee and gaining continuous feedback (detailed ones at that) proved to be especially helpful. As the weeks went by and I got to explore more and more new tools, I became even more open to experimentation and using new ideas, even when I did not know if they would be practically applicable. I think I internalized some DH values after a couple of weeks, which is why I found myself being increasingly open (and seeking) other people’s feedback and criticism. 

I have seen myself evolve as a researcher who is much more organized and holistic in viewing any project right from the start, and as a person who is much more open to challenges, setbacks, and criticism. 

As I wrap up my final thoughts, I cannot forget to thank the incredible cohort and committee for being kind individuals who have helped me grow this summer. Thank you to R.C., John (especially), Mary, Kevin, and Amy for being kind and helpful teachers. And to the cohort-Ana, Ben, Carlee, Nicole, and Theary- thank you so much for being stand-up individuals who made me feel listened to! I can’t wait to see you all (committee and cohort) in the fall! Till then, Goodbye and have a great end of summer!

Written by Shukirti Khadka, Gettysburg College Class of 2024, and part of the DSSF 2021 Cohort.

Reflective Post 3

Who makes knowledge?

As the scholarly world moves increasingly into a new era of digital humanities, it takes on new challenges, issues, and questions. New forms of increased digital connectedness usher in “openness” at a maximum by increasing accessibility for gaining new knowledge, but also for forming knowledge. In open access areas such as the vast web, anyone can speak and anyone can “publish”. On the one hand, this provides opportunities for so many informed individuals out there who have not had the chance to be affiliated and published through institutions of higher learning (which can be quite exclusive and long-term). However, this also creates the problem of credibility. How do we know that this work is legitimate if it has been “published” by someone who has not even undergone credentialing through the hands of some credible institution? 

Meanings of what the word “publishing” is and what it speaks of have undergone a great change in recent years. Burdick et. al state, “To publish” is to make something public, to place it within a sphere for broad scrutiny, critical engagement, and community debate” (86). When thinking of publishing, we normally envision a book being printed out and picked up by groups of people interested in a certain genre or field. However, in the digital world such “publishing” would be through the web, not in paper, and the “public” the work is being distributed to would be exponentially larger. Accessibility to the larger public is at an all time high, making it so that almost anyone can “publish” anything. 

The breakdown of the rigid lines between who the author is and who the reader is has been blurred, and the bar to enter the publishing world of the web is extremely low, allowing almost anyone to act as an author regardless of the status of their credentials. Blog posts from mothers are so popular nowadays that if one Googles anything about problems their young children are going through, they even beat websites that provide actual medical advice on the way up to the top of the searches. The opportunity to “publish” in this new way though can give opportunities for so many out there. A quick example of this can be Anna Todd’s “After” series that started out as a Harry Styles fanfiction on an open-to-all site called Wattpad. The digital book series was a massive hit on the site/app, raking in well over 100 million views. The books were even published in print, have become bestsellers, and have even been turned into movies. This success story epitomizes the potential of open authorship. 

Despite all of its potential for greatness though, open authorship can be quite dangerous, especially as it breaches upon subjects covered in academic scholarship. When anyone can write anything on the internet and pose it as a researched fact, misinformation and lies can be spread in a rampant manner, and can actually be believed by others, causing many complications. For decades, institutions of higher education have acted as the hands that ensure the credibility of not only the authors but also of the work that has been published. Institutions only publish and promote works that have been authored by well-decorated (and learned) professionals that have been vetted out, and have been peer-reviewed by equally competent professionals. In doing so, they ensure legitimacy but become extremely exclusive, allowing opportunities to only a certain few. 

For decades, knowledge credentialing has been controlled solely by institutions of higher learning, and they have taken monopoly of knowledge production. However, as Digital Humanities (and almost every other field of scholarship) is entering the digital world, it is experiencing vast changes that it never had to deal with before. In an age where the aforementioned monopoly is only decreasing, how can legitimacy be improved? The problem is extremely large-scale and seemingly neverending. However, I believe some of the power lies in us readers and writers of scholarship. In an age where misinformation persists, it is our job to be responsible readers and authors, and equip others with the knowledge to also bear that responsibility. 

Written by Shukirti Khadka, Gettysburg College Class of 2024, and part of the DSSF 2021 Cohort.  



In my project, I wanted to centrally focus on the narratives surrounding Lilith from the beginning of civilization up to the 20th century in order to visualize how they have changed in their characterization of this enigma. Therefore, I have used TimelineJS in order to create a timeline that shows changes in Lilith’s story as times have changed.

Here is a link to my timeline. I need to do a bit of light editing, especially on the credits. I’d be glad to get everyone’s view on this!

Created by Shukirti Khadka, Gettysburg College Class of 2024 and part of the DSSF 2021 Cohort.

Reflective Post 2

Collaboration with the Cohort

Over the past three weeks, it is undeniable that we (the cohort and the mentors) have built a great sense of community. We have collaborated, supported and opened up to each other for help. Collaborating on the Albert Chance Overseas Micro project has provided us a great opportunity to act as a collaborative community of practice, and our collaborative efforts have brought results that we are proud to showcase.

The cohort has been a place of openness, collaboration, and collegiality from the first day. Since the very beginning, each of us in the cohort have demonstrated openness to listen to other’s ideas, have recognized each person’s competency, and have respected and trusted their judgments in following a “divide and conquer” strategy. We have respected each other and trusted the choices that the other has made with regards to the project. Our collaboration is centered on mutual respect and collegiality. We each operate by acknowledging our responsibility to the group.  Our mutual respect to one another has also allowed the cohort to be a safe space to ask questions without fearing any ridicule.

Openness to listen to other people and their opinions is essential in any group project, especially in one as based on collaboration as our micro project is. The cohort is always open to consider various ideas and opinions. In fact, we find it essential to ask others’ opinions on the work that we have completed personally, and we almost always seek feedback from the cohort. My thoughts, ideas, evaluations, and feedback have all been taken very well by the cohort, and I certainly feel that my thoughts are given value, respect, and weight by my peers.

Despite being miles apart from one another, we have managed to collaborate in this group project successfully. I do believe we owe a huge part of this to Zoom’s ‘Share Screen’ feature though. We have navigated new tools and created projects together with this feature. Whether it is WordPress, Scalar, a Timeline made through TimelineJS or a map made in StoryMapJS, we have shared our screens and jointly explored the tools’ features, never forgetting to applaud proudly when we figure out how to use a particularly confusing feature.

Working this closely with the cohort for our micro-project will definitely act as a great learning experience as I continue on and now take upon the challenge of completing my own project. Not only has this micro-project reminded me of the importance of feedback and the value of other people’s ideas and interpretations, but it has also taught me that it is completely okay to ask for help. Navigating the several digital humanities tools together with the cohort has equipped me with greater technical knowledge about these tools than I would have had if I had explored these tools only by myself. There were times when few of us understood a tool better than others, and other times another few understood another tool better. Working together strengthened our understanding of each of the tools, and we are now better equipped at using these tools ourselves for our own projects. As I now go forward with my project, I do so armed with all that I have learnt while working with the cohort these past weeks.

Working together with the DSSF 2021 cohort has certainly removed my general dislike for group work, and I am now much more open to collaboration. As we come to the end of this micro-project, I would like to show my appreciation to the cohort for being supportive, respectful, competent, understanding and for strengthening my work with their helpful input.

Written by Shukirti Khadka, Gettysburg College Class of 2024, and part of the DSSF 2021 Cohort.



In the spirit of ‘Digital’ Humanities, I decided to make a wireframe digitally.

Home Page

This is the general layout of my homepage. There will be a horizontal navigation panel, a search bar, a timeline preview, and contact information. The text will be very brief, and will give a preface about the project.

The About Pages

There will be two pages under the About menu. In the ‘About this Project’ page, I will be writing about how I came across Lilith, how I came up with the idea, and will contain information about the DSSF. In the ‘About Lilith’ project, I will introduce Lilith.

The Lilith Menu

Next, there will be a Lilith menu that will contain pages such as ‘Lilith in Ancient Texts’, ‘Lilith in Art and Culture’, ‘Lilith Transformed’, and ‘More resources’. These pages will elaborate further on the different slides of my timeline for people who want more context than that provided by the brief timeline slides. Anchor tags placed on the slides will directly link to paragraphs in this section.


Since the Timeline is the central focus of my project, it will be occupying the entire page. Each slide will give an option to the audience to learn more. These will be linked to paragraphs providing more details about the events in the timeline.


Lastly, the sources menu will provide the Bibliography, Documentation, and information about me, the author.

This project is a work in progress, and as such the wireframes may/will undergo changes as I start making the web pages.

Created by Shukirti Khadka, Gettysburg College Class of 2024, and part of the DSSF 2021 cohort.

Project Charter

Project Charter

Project Name: Lilith Through the Times: Demoness to Feminist Icon

Project Owner: Shukirti Khadka

Summary: The project will trace Lilith’s journey in scriptures, literature, and art from ancient Babylonia to the 19th century. Presenting Lilith as the perennial symbol of patriarchal narratives written by men, this project will trace her journey throughout history to see her transformation from a demoness who killed infants and the women who bore them to a feminist icon who has become a symbol for autonomy, sexual choice, and control of one’s own destiny.

The project will be presented in a website created through WordPress, and will include a timeline tracing Lilith throughout the years. The website will include an About menu, with an ‘About the Project’ and ‘About Lilith’ page. Under a Lilith menu, pages such as ‘Lilith in Ancient Texts’, ‘Lilith in Art and Culture’, ‘Lilith Transformed’, etc. will be available. These will elaborate on the different time points on the timeline. The website will also include a Sources menu, wherein the Bibliography and Documentation page can be seen.

My potential audience would be faculty, students and scholars interested in college research, digital humanists, people who are interested in Jewish culture, and women.


What I have:  

  • Primary sources and secondary sources 
  • Research Topic 
  • Research question 
  • Basic wireframe of the website
  • Points in the Timeline

What I need:  

  • More secondary sources  
  • Website using WordPress 
  • Timeline using Timeline JS 
  • Organized structure of the website (number of pages, menu names, fonts, etc.) 
  • Images (20)


 Week 1 (6/7 – 6/11)
Organize previous research Search for images
 Week 2 (6/14 – 6/18) 
Project charter  
Search for more images
Look for more secondary sources
Basic outline of the Timeline
Finalize website structure
 Week 3 (6/21 – 6/25) 
Try to confirm dates of all events Make Timeline JS  
More images
Finish text for Lilith info
Week 4 (6/28 – 7/1) 
Create a website using WordPress Color, text, Font More images
Week 5 (7/6 – 7/9) 
Visualization due 
About text, sources bibliography, and Documentation page finalization
Make sure everything works smoothly  
 Week 6 (7/12 – 7/16) 
First project draft    
Week 7 (7/19 – 7/23) 
Finishing touches: editing, color, Font, background, placement.
Final project draft   
Week 8 (7/26-7/30) 
Practice presentation    Presentation 

End of Life/Future Plans: This work is a ‘project’ that can extend for a long period of time and be taken in different directions. Lilith’s story spans across time, and she is reimagined continuously. Further work can go into detail about Lilith’s story in relation to Eve and women in the Bible or Jewish Mythology who have similarly been demonized. Lilith’s story can be explored further in terms of her influence on Jewish Feminism (especially during the Second Wave of Feminism), her characterizations in pop culture, etc. There is much scope for evolving this project.

Written by Shukirti Khadka, Gettysburg College Class of 2024, and part of the DSSF 2021 Cohort.

Reflective Post 1


When first thinking about the phrase “Digital Humanities”, I thought it to be very self-explanatory. To me, Digital Humanities was simply “Humanities gone digital”, humanities research and scholarship digitized- brought to the digital world of websites and scanned PDFs from the analog world of published research and graphs. However, the digital humanities are so much larger than just digitalized humanities research, and I’m only beginning to realize that.

In A Digital Humanities What, Why, & How, after lamenting on the over-definition of the word, Amanda Visconti describes it herself, defining Digital Humanities as research and scholarship in the field on humanities not only transformed to a digital form but also interpreted and applied with countless digital tools.

Digital Humanities provides scholars, educators, and students exposure to a range of tools through which they can translate their research into digitalized forms. With a plethora of techniques including making and using websites, software, online showcases, timelines, blogs, maps, graphs, mobile apps, Digital humanities equips us with the opportunity to make our work all the more interactive, engaging, and thus memorable and impactful. As much as Digital Humanities is about transforming humanities research, it is also about utilizing digital technologies and applying it to humanities thinking. It may be using timelines to draw different interpretations about the changes in society of certain time periods, about changes in attitudes, art, culture, etc. in the span of several decades, and even about the nature of change between different eras. It may also be things such as using digital webs to discover and establish connectivity among various events. The scope of digital humanities is wider than I ever would have guessed.

What I found most interesting is that Digital Humanities is distinct field with its own set of core values. In This Is Why We Fight”: Defining the Values of the Digital Humanities, Lisa Spiro lists five values she says the Digital Humanities aspires to achieve: openness, collaboration, collegiality and connectedness, diversity, and experimentation. Digital humanities as a field continues to attempt to meet these five core values and operates within the guidelines of these values. There is great importance to the notion of open access, shared knowledge, group work, diversity in techniques and ideas (brought about by diversity in the people who think them), digital and physical connectivity, as well as a sense of spontaneity and openness to experimentation.

For me, DH is an opportunity to learn more, to better myself. My DH is an open space of building projects with ever increasing scopes of techniques to foster my creativity. It is a diverse space that allows collaboration, constant feedback, and experimentation of a variety of ideas and techniques. DH is a project that is constantly changing, always iterated and reiterated, and I am excited to see what evolutions my project (and I) will go through throughout the course of this fellowship.

Written by Shukirti Khadka, Gettysburg College Class of 2024, and part of the DSSF 2021 Cohort.  
