Week 7: Presenting

Final Project

Email a link to your final project to LibraryDS@gettysburg.edu by 9:00am, Friday, July 23.

Monday, July 19

9:30–10am: Monday Check-In

10am–Noon: Creating Your Elevator Speech

Digital scholars spend a lot of time thinking and working on digital projects, but how do we talk about them? Sometimes you may only have a few minutes to talk about your research and the work that has gone into your project, so today we will create elevator speeches so you can hit the high points of your project in 1-2 minutes.

Before the Workshop

No readings.

Tuesday, July 20

10am-11am: Guest Speaker: Dr. Angel David Nieves

Register here: https://gettysburg.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYsfu6oqDMqGdZqcScBMyqeG1Nqe8kM7baq

Before the Speaker

Wednesday, July 21

10–11am: Peer Feedback

We reviewed projects a bit back in Week 6, but we’re setting aside this time for you to do a deeper dive into each other’s projects and provide some feedback before the final presentations.

Before the Workshop

No readings.

Thursday, July 22

10am–Noon: Worst Presentation Ever! Or, How to Talk About Your Research

Many times you will only have a few minutes to discuss your project, which is why elevator speeches are important. However, if you’re presenting at a conference or other talk where you have an extended amount of time to discuss your research (like at the end of this summer!), you need to plan out a presentation. Today, we will discuss some best practices for creating a longer presentation, and practice giving a short talk.

Before the Workshop

Friday, July 23

9:30–10am: Weekly Updates and Planning

10am–Noon: Optional Office Hours

Register here for the Zoom link: https://libcal.gettysburg.edu/event/7955158

Drop in at any time during these two hours if you’d like to talk more about specific tools or topics we’ve covered recently. Digital Scholarship Committee members will be available to answer questions or help troubleshoot any issues you’re experiencing.
