Week 8: Final Week

Reflective Essay #8

Post by 4:30pm, Friday, July 27.

So, really, what ARE the Digital Humanities?

In his piece, “How Not to Teach the Digital Humanities,” Ryan Cordell notes that attempting to define DH is always exclusive, that DH is local. He writes:

They speak of “DH” as an identifiable and singular thing, even if that thing contains multitudes, when in fact DH is often local and peculiar: a specific configuration of those multitudes that makes sense for a given institution, given its faculty, staff, and students, and given its unique mission and areas of strength.

Thinking back to how you defined DH in week one, and how Musselman Library defines it in our local context, how has your understanding and/or definition of DH changed over the course of the fellowship? How have your communities of practice caused you to think differently about the definitions you have encountered?

Monday, July 23

9am-9:30am: Sharing and Planning (Library 014)

9:30am-Noon: Project Feedback and Review

Today we will meet as a group to provide feedback about each others’ projects as you complete final revisions ahead of the presentation on Thursday.

Tuesday, July 22

Presentation practice and workday

Wednesday, July 25

Noon-1pm: DSSF Reading Discussion and Lunch (Alumni House, Conference Room 1)

Lunch will be provided for the DSSFs.


Thursday, July 26

10am-Noon: Project Presentations (Pennsylvania Hall Lyceum, Public Session)

2:30pm-3pm: Thinking about gratitude (and writing thank you notes) (TBD)

Bring a good pen!

Friday, July 27

9am-11am: Final Assessment (Alumni House, Conference Room 1)

Noon-1pm: Celebratory Lunch (Ping’s)

4:30pm: Week 8 Reflective Essays Due
