Digital Projects and Collections
Gettysburg College Projects
- “Hello Coed!” A 1950s History of Gettysburg College Women
- Your Friend and Classmate: Following the West Point Class of June 1861 Through the American Civil War
- This is Why We Fight: Student Activism at Gettysburg College
- What We Did Here: Activism at Gettysburg College
- Gettysburg College Through Time
- Bodies in Conflict: From Gettysburg to Iraq
- Stories Remembered, Stories Told: Women of Gettysburg College from 1965-1975
- Maps as Art: Using Digital Media to Bring Art and Cartography to Life
- Their Last Full Measure and Killed at Gettysburg
- Atlantic World: Year of Food
- Migration: Now and Then
- The First World War Letters of Jack Peirs
- Uproar on Campus: Student Protests in the Vietnam War Era
- Sacred Sites
- The Southern Tradition of Civil War Commemoration
- “It’s Still My School and I am Entitled to It!” The Little Rock Nine Desegregation Crisis
- Civil War Soldiers and A Simple Farmer Turned Soldier (and now Hosford Digital Exhibit)
- Gettysburg College Educational Technology Projects
Student Projects
- UCLA DH101, Fall 2016
- Lafayette College Digital Humanities Summer Scholars Projects
- Wooster Digital History Project
Projects to Watch and for Inspiration
Data Visualizations
- The Macroscope
- Flowing Data
- The Fallen of World War II
- 50 Years of Pop Music and Text Mining South Park
- Visualizing Emancipation
Digitized, Annotated, and Encoded Texts
- Five Digital History Projects That Dazzled Us in 2015
- Folger Digital Texts (Shakespeare)
- Infinite Ulysses (James Joyce)
- Poems of Michael Field
- Freedom’s Ring
- Walt Whitman Archive
- The Grinnell Beowulf
- Digital Mitford
Letter Collections
- The Civil War Letters of Wellesley College
- Civil War Letters (Hamilton College)
- DIY History
- Library of Virginia Making History – Transcribe
- Mapping the Republic of Letters
- Darwin Correspondence Project
- AnnoTate
- Woolfe Online
- Digital Harrisburg
- Berlin: 1928 and Today (in German)
- Mapping the Second Ku Klux Klan
- Names in Brick and Stone
- Evergreen Public Cemetary
- Illinois Institute of Technology Building History
- Pelagios Commons
- Locating London’s Past
- A Sentimental Journey
- Million Dollar Hoods
Digital Exhibits
- Remembering the Real Winnie
- Remembering Lincoln
- The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks
- The Voyages of the Clarence
- Race and Migration in the United States
- Detroit Digital
- The Knotted Line
- Baltimore Uprising
- What Jane Saw
- Digital Paxton
Image Annotation
- Interactive Garden of Earthly Delights (Custom) and Garden of Earthly Delights (StorymapJS)
- Game of Thrones
- A Sunday on La Grande Jatte
- A (Digital) Declaration of Independence
- Seeking Lincoln
Directories and Showcases
- Omeka Showcase
- Sites Using Omeka
- Neatline Demos
- StorymapJS Examples
- TimelineJS Examples
- UCLA Digital Humanities Projects
- NYPL Labs
- Carolina Digital Humanities Institute Projects
- Digital Humanities Initiative (Hamilton College) Projects
- Five College Digital Humanities Projects
- Lafayette College Digital Scholarship Projects
- Scalar Showcase
- Haverford College Digital Scholarship Projects
Digital Tools
Content Management Systems
- WordPress
- WordPress Codex (knowledgebase)
- Scalar
- Omeka
- Omeka Codex (knowledgebase)
- Drupal
- Murkurtu
Network Analysis and Data Visualization
Data Cleanup
Text Analysis/Mining
Text Encoding/XML
- A Gentle Introduction to XML
- XML Standards
- Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)
- A Very Gentle Introduction to the TEI Markup Language
- TEI by Example
3D Modeling
- Dublin Core
- Working with Dublin Core
- Describing Your Materials
- Metadata Application Profile
- Dublin Core Examples
Web Development
- W3Schools HTML and CSS
- Miriam Posner’s HTML & CSS Tutorials
- codecademy
- Quinn Warnick’s HTML & CSS for Beginners
Coding Platforms
- A Beginner’s Guide to Wireframing
- Wireframing (
- Pencil
User Experience/Usability/Writing for the Web
- UX Myths
- UX Cheat Sheet
- Web Style Guide
- Writing for the Web (
- Writing for the Web (New York University)
- Lorem Ipsum Generator
- Hemingway Editor
Project Management
Media Editing and Creation
Video and Screencasting
- Movie Maker (Windows)
- iMovie (Mac)
- Jing
- Capzles
- Animoto
- Screencast-o-Matic
Images, Texts, and Data
- Flickr Commons
- Wikimedia Commons
- British Library
- New York Public Library Digital Collections
- State Library Victoria
- Creative Commons Image Search (also good for video and sound)
- Library of Congress Digital Collections
Text Corpora
Copyright and Fair Use
- Stanford University Copyright and Fair Use
- Copyright Flowchart
- Columbia University Copyright Advisory Office
- University of Texas Copyright Crash Course
Scholarly (Peer-Reviewed) Publications
- Digital Humanities Quarterly
- Digital Humanities Now
- Journal of Digital Humanities
- Programming Historian
Other Digital Scholarship Programs
- UCLA Digital Humanities
- Stanford Digital Humanities
- Ohio 5 Digital Scholarship
- Digital Humanities Initiative (Hamilton College)
Other Student Fellowships
- Carleton College Digital Humanities Associates and Blog
- Haverford College (Final Project)
- Five Colleges (Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, Smith and UMass Amherst)
- Lafayette College Digital Humanities Summer Scholars