Week 1: Foundations

Annotated Bibliography

Email your annotated bibliographies to LibraryDS@gettysburg.edu by 9am, Friday, June 8.

Reflective Essay #1

Post by 9am, Monday, June 11

Musselman Library’s Digital Scholarship Committee has created the following definition of the Digital Humanities that informs our work:

Digital Humanities encompasses any humanistic inquiry facilitated by digital technologies. Digital humanists use tools for mapping, data visualization, text analysis, online exhibits, digital collections, storytelling, and more to interpret, analyze, and present research across all disciplines to a broad audience. Digital Humanities work is characterized by collaborative approaches, public engagement, openness, and transparency. We value process and experimentation as well as scholarly outcomes.

Using the discussion of “What is DH?” that we did on the first day, as well as the Visconti and Spiro pieces we have read this week, what does your DH look like? How would you adapt this definition to fit your understanding of the Digital Humanities, and your expectations of DH?

Monday, June 4

9am-10am: What are the Digital Humanities? (Library 014)


10:15am-11:45: Digital Scholarship Summer Fellowship Expectations (Library 014)


Noon-1pm: DSSF Reading Discussion and Lunch (Library 018)


Lunch will be provided for the DSSFs.

1:15pm-1:30pm: Review of the #dssf18 Schedule (Library 014)


1:45pm–2:30pm: Using Zotero to Manage your Research (Library 014)

Organizing your research is an important part of this fellowship; today we will discuss some strategies for using Zotero, a free tool that helps you manage, share, and cite your resources. Bring your laptop if you have one, so you can set up Zotero the way you like it (otherwise, use a lab computer).

Readings and Assignments

2:30pm-3:15pm: Getting to know Musselman Library (Building & Staff)


 3:15pm-4:30pm: Prepare for Meeting with Librarian Research Partner (Musselman Library)

Tuesday, June 5

9am-Noon: Metadata (Special Collections & College Archives, Public Session)

Visit Special Collections and College Archives (Musselman Library, 4th floor) to learn about metadata and how important it is for digital collections and digital projects.  You will hear about how Special Collections creates and manages metadata for its digital collections and you will be creating metadata for The Vietnam Memory Project, so please bring your laptops.  We will discuss  the role of archives in the Digital Humanities to consider the differences between digital repositories or collections and Digital Humanities projects as well as the difference between digitization and preservation.

Before the Workshop

If You Want to Learn More

  • http://cds.library.nd.edu/expertise/documents/MetadataApplicationProfile_Final.pdf
  • http://dublincore.org/documents/2001/04/12/usageguide/generic.shtml
  • http://wiki.dublincore.org/index.php/User_Guide/Creating_Metadata

Noon-1pm: All Campus Picnic (Bream Gym)

“A gathering of appreciation for employees and summer student staff.” Doors open 11:30; Lunch served 11:30-1:00; Bingo starts at 12:30.

Wednesday, June 6

9am-Noon: Project Management (Library 014, Public Session)

Project management and documenting your processes is an important part of developing a digital project. Today, we will discuss  how to create a project charter, begin a timeline for your project, and look at ways to document the creation of your project so others can see how it was made. Guidelines for the charter are available at the Project Charter page. This will be a living document, of sorts; as you research your topic and think about ways to present and visualize your project, things may change. However, getting a good basis for your project is important. Your Project Charters are due Friday, June 15.

Before the Workshop

If You Want to Learn More

Noon-1pm: DSSF Reading Discussion and Lunch (Library 018)

Lunch will be provided for the DSSFs.


Thursday, June 7

9:00am – 12:00pm: Copyright and Licensing (Library 014, Public Session)

So you found a great image or document online and want to use it in your project … but can you? Today, we’ll look at how copyright law affects digital projects, and how the idea of “fair use” can be leveraged to include the content of others. We will also discuss ways to open your own projects up so other people can use them through licensing.

Before the Workshop

  • Review the Creative Commons licenses and think about which one you’d consider applying to your project.
  • Play a game or two of Tetris.  Yes, this is related to the lesson.

If You Want to Learn More

Friday, June 8

9am-Noon: User Experience, Writing for the Web, and Wireframing (Library 014, Public Session)

Steve Krug, web usability expert, writes:

People often ask me: “What’s the most important thing I should do if I want to make sure my site or app is easy to use?” The answer is simple: It’s not “Nothing important should ever be more than two clicks away” or “Speak the user’s language” or “Be consistent.” It’s  … “Don’t make me think!”

Unfortunately, in order for your user to not think, you have to think a lot about user experience. Today, we’ll talk about the importance of design and writing in your digital projects. We will also work on wireframes for your projects; a wireframe is a mock-up of a website, a way to sketch out the design and hierarchy of a website before getting into the technical details of creating pages; it’s an important step in determining how you want your users to navigate your digital project.

Before the  Workshop

  • Find a digital project and be prepared to talk about its design, navigation, and how you interacted with it.

If You Want to Learn More

1pm-2pm: Sharing and Planning (Library 014)

We will take time each Friday to reflect as a group and share our successes and failures of the week behind us, and expectations for the week ahead. What was a breakthrough, what are you proud of accomplishing? What didn’t work out as planned, what needs some more attention? As a community of practice we will come together to see how we can support the work we are all doing and prepare for the next steps.
