America’s Favorite Fightin’ Frenchman (or at least the college named after him)

This past Friday the DSSF team took the road to Lafayette College with the purpose of visiting their digital summer scholars. All of their projects were unique and their topics literally went all over the world, from social justice movements at Lafayette to government mysticism in Iraq. However, even with all of these different topics, we still found common ground in the field of digital humanities and what tools would be used for projects, discussion on how to present research, and how to contribute to the field of digital humanities. I knew, starting out, that no one would have anything close to my project because it is such a narrow topic within an already narrow field, but I still found great opportunity for collaboration with the scholars from Lafayette and I hope that we continue our collaborative efforts in the future. (Much like how Marquis de Lafayette collaborated with Washington in the American Revolution.)

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1 thought on “America’s Favorite Fightin’ Frenchman (or at least the college named after him)”

  1. Be sure to follow up with anyone you connected with! Even if you are just bouncing ideas off of each other, the networks you are building now will be useful later on.

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