Blog Post Requirements

Reflective Posts (1 per week, 10 total)

Your standard weekly blog post should be 500 words Try not to go over 750 unless you really need to do so. These blog posts will have a pre-assigned topic that will generally go with each week’s readings and activities. These are NOT scholarly writing. You do not need to use scholarly citations unless you directly quote something or if it is unclear that you are using someone else’s work, but you should give credit whenever you do use someone else’s words or ideas. Whenever possible, include links to other sites that you are referring to. You can be creative and include screenshots, videos, and other media in your posts. The goal of these posts is to reflect on the week’s theme.

Micro-Posts (2 per week, 20 total)

Your shorter blog posts should be around 100-150 words and be on any topic related to digital scholarship you choose. Some examples include:

  • A short write-up of a digital tool that you found
  • A review of an interesting digital project
  • Something new you have discovered in your research
  • Your experience as a digital scholarship fellow

If desired, you can substitute another form of publicly available social media for the micro-posts, such as Twitter or Tumblr. Please talk to a member of the Digital Scholarship Working Group if you want to try an alternative.


When publishing your blog posts, please use the category for the appropriate week so they are kept together.